Niagara College Community Employment Services 905-641-2252 ext 4670

Past Projects

Projects for 2008


Think Fresh, Experience Niagara

This was the slogan that motivated this team to co-ordinate and create an ‘Experience Niagara’ venue at the Welland Food Festival for local farmers and producers. The team worked closely with growers and food vendors from across the region to present the very best of Niagara’s produce. Visit the Welland Food Festival site at www.niagarafoodfestival.com for more information on the Experience Niagara Market.


Y.E.S (Youth + Education = Success) Niagara brought together a large group of stakeholders to explore the issues challenging youth in the educational system today and to examine possible collaborative solutions.

Wii Are Fun

The ‘Wii are Fun’ initiative set out to increase senior’s activity level, both physical and mental, with a view to improving their health and wellness and increasing socialization. Wii programs and training in their use were introduced to a Seniors Centre with very positive results.