
24-25 CLDP Starts off With a Bang

Written by Ann Harrison | Tue, Nov 19, 2024

Leadership Niagara welcomed its newest cohort of participants to the LN Community Leadership Development Program in mid-October. With a return to fully in-person learning days, the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) has revised the delivery of the program to allow for more collaborative opportunities among the participants.

Leadership Niagara has developed a DNA framework of leadership competencies, which it feels are assets for the development of all community leaders. These competencies as shown below are intricately connected to each other – and form the basis for the Learning Day Topics.  Participants explore how these competencies connect to the leaders with whom they interact at work or in the community.

The PAC also makes use of the 5 Practices of Exemplary Leaders as outlined in The Leadership Challenge (2023) by James Kouzes and Barry Posner.   While each day’s overall topics connect to the LN Competencies, within each learning day we articulate how the five practices can serve to enhance your leadership capacity.   On the first full learning day, participants had the opportunity to review all five practices and take the Leadership Practices Inventory to assess how often they engage in each of the practices in their daily work.

Throughout the remainder of the CLDP program, participants will learn about the most important issues facing our communities in Niagara, meet and learn from the community’s most dynamic leaders, and strengthen their leadership capacity through face-to-face learning and a team-based community action project. All of this learning will be linked to the competencies and will enhance the exemplary leadership practices of our participants.